Here are some press cuttings, notes about our wonderful mobile phone,
timekeeper's notes, and a couple of notes received.
A cutting from the Isle of Wight Country Press
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SportsMail. Sharing the coverage with a classy rider. (would
that be Pete Pickers or Miguel Indurain?)
And short note in The Times.
For many years Peter Bryan was the UK Cycling correspondent for The
Times. He'd introduced himself to me in the 1980s and was always
keen to publish material on my adventures. He retired in the
1990s, but still had the contacts to get snippets published.
Several times in my report I mention the mobile phone. Of
course, this was nothing you could fit in a pocket.
I'm not sure, but this looks pretty similar to the kit I had borrowed

Despite the size, the battery wasn't very good. And between
Edinburgh and Scotch Corner there was almost no coverage. Thus, as
soon as it was actually usable, the battery was flat. Sigh.
Here are my instructions for use. (obviously first written a few
months earlier for the Bath & back)
The process around the 12 hour point (ignoring the contraflow issues!)
was for the timekeeper, who was driving at the time, to talk into a
dictaphone. As the 12 hour moment approached, he would have
continuously recorded where I was and what things I'd passed, and my
exact position at the 12 hour point. He will have written up
the detail much later!
Andy Burnet was always good for a postcard afterwards, even though he
was on the ride!
He mentions that my ride was on the Butlins Route. There are
several ways of getting from Edinburgh to Scotch Corner. My route
was the short but hilly option - like being on a roller-coaster, which
presumably would have been a feature of the hoiday camps?
Feel free to correct me if there's a less torturous explanation.
And a note from Ted Bays - a regular correspondent.
Here's the convoy on the finishing circuit. My car. Edwin's
car. And Dave Pitt just behind, having ridden over from Guildford
to check out what was going on.
Finally, on the topic of the 24 hour record, an item from a 1935 edition
of The Bicycle. It relates to the bizarre situation of the RRA
approving a record claim 49 years after the ride had taken place.
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