A few press cuttings relating to Liverpool-London
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The Times announces the ride, and the postcard confirms the result.
The Portsmouth Echo had this to say.
And then SportsMail

Not long after, Glenn did indeed get the London to Portsmouth and back
A newspaper I'd forgotten existed (sorry), CycleNews, reported this
(including a typo with the start time!)
The Bucks Free Press
And the Brighton Argus, who were hoping I would have another go at the
Brighton record..

(btw, I've no idea where the Three Wheeled Terror thing came from.
Possibly Brian Hutton's imagination)
I received this letter from Peter Barlow, who was on John Arnold's 1952
ride and also the 1935 ride by Syd Parker and H Warburton on
Notes taken by my parents, as telephonists. Some interesting
names, as usual.
(and check out the notepaper from Dad's work)
There was a
certain amount of
upheaval (long story) surrounding my claim to the Liverpool to
London record. It all worked out in the end, although not without
a fair bit of angst.
The other matter of interest was the way the weather forecast seemed
good, then bad, then miraculously good again.
To begin with, I made my decision to go based on the 72 hour chart
below. I could see that it looked suitable and John Dalton was in
agreement that it should be ok. He might have given me a warning
of things that could go wrong (he usually did!) but I don't remember.

The wind on the surface doesn't follow the isobars, but is about 30
degrees adrift. I drew an arrow on this map to show the wind
direction in the Liverpool-London territory. A perfect
Trouble was, with all the preparations underway and with the expectation
of getting in the car bound for Liverpool in the morning ... the next
set of charts we received were a lot less exciting.

Suddenly the direction was a lot more west, and a lot less speedy.
I had an agonizing phone call with John, and he wasn't really very
optimistic. He might've come up with some hopeful talk, but think
overall we felt that this was a lot less suitable than we'd been
bargaining for.
However, we decided to stick with the plan. The record really
wasn't a very tight one, and we were all ready to go.
As we drove to Liverpool, Gerry Lewis (also a professional
meteorologist) noted that there was also a possibility that the
assumptions of the 48h chart might not persist. He
explain in more technical detail, because he really
did understand it.
I just nodded and quietly hoped.
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